Research in focus, again! The research carried out by IdomSoft Zrt. and Pázmány Péter Catholic University, under the Information Communication and Information Technology National Laboratory project, provides insight into the modelling of state register processes.
Under the Information Communication and Information Technology National Laboratory project, on behalf of IdomSoft Zrt., legal professional researchers of PPKE Law Faculty and IT researchers of PPKE IT faculty conducted a joint research in which procedures of major state registers were modelled with BPMB (Business Process Modelling Notation) flow diagram.
The goal of the research was to identify if the procedures were uniform or not. Personal data, address, civil registry, vehicle and driving license registers are all digital-based registers which would prove more efficient if they could communicate swiftly and securely with one another.
To achieve this goal, discrepancies which can be identified with the modelling process need to be explored and excluded. The method and results of the research will be presented with flow diagrams, and we will know how the system forwards an application for name change to the new I.D. or how a newborn child will be registered in the parish register.
Time of date: September 29, 2023. 18:00 - 18:30
Location: PPKE JÁK 102. Gyakorló (1. floor) 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi str. 28.
Number of participants: ca. 25
Organizer: Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Link to the event: https://app.kutatokejszakaja.hu/esemenyek/pazmany-peter-katolikus-egyetem/benezunk-a-kormanyablak-moge-az-allami-nyilvantartasi-folyamatok-modellezese